Complaints Process
The following information is for members of the public who wish to submit a complaint about a teacher’s conduct.
The broad phases of the complaints process are outlined below. For more details, please refer to our Complaints Process guide.
Talk to the School
First, try to deal with the issue by talking to the teacher or principal.
Talk to the College
If further help is needed, contact our Investigations and Hearings Department by email at or call:
Toronto: 416-961-8800
Toll-free in Ontario: 1-888-534-2222, ext. 582
If you are an employer of a College member, please refer to the Duty to Report section.
Submit a Complaint
Next, if we can’t help you resolve the issue, submit a formal complaint online or by mail. The information you submit is kept secure. Only authorized College employees or contractors like our legal team have access to this information.